Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic AcidAlpha Lipoic Acid Structure

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)  is a synthetic version of lipoic acid a compound that is found naturally inside every cell of the body and produces energy by breaking down carbohydrates to make energy for the body. Natural sources include broccoli, brussle sprouts, kidney, liver, peas, potatoes, rice bran, spinach, and brewer’s yeast. Alpha Lipoic Acid helps prevent damage to certain cells in the body while having the ability to restore Vitamin E and Vitamin C levels. Alpha Lipoic Acid is also an antioxidant that has the ability to neutralize harmful chemicals called free radicals that damage cells contributing to chronic illness, aging and age related diseases. Free radicals are chemical by-products produced when oxidation converts nutrients into cellular energy, as oxidation occurs those compounds become reactive and harmful to the cell reducing metabolic efficiency. The body can naturally produce lipoic Acid but adding a supplement can promote optimal levels. Alpha Lipoic Acid is fat and water soluble so it can fight free radicals from the inside and also on the outside.

Alpha Lipoic Acid is especially useful for treating skin wrinkles when collagen-digesting enzymes are created  free radicals enter a skin cell, such as from UV rays. However, when Alpha Lipoic Acid is present, it counteracts this reaction and creates an opposite reaction, thereby improving or actually erasing a wrinkle. Alpha Lipoic Acid in the form of a topical cream may boost skin circulation, tighten pores, even out the complexion and gives the skin a healthy glow in a matter of three to four days. Whether taken internally or applied externally, Alpha Lipoic Acid may reduce under-eye bags and puffiness as well as helping to erase acne scars.

Other suggested uses for Alpha Lipoic Acid are to help with diabetes and nerve pain associated with it, chronic fatigue syndrome, memory loss, cancer, liver and heart disease, HIV, Lyme disease, weight loss, vertigo and diseases of the eye such as cataracts and glaucoma.