by Amaranthine Skin Care
Anxiety In Dogs And Cats
Pet parents know that Anxiety In Dogs And Cats can be one of the most stressful and upsetting things for you and your favorite furry friend. Unfortunately Anxiety can be caused by a number of reasons.
Separation Anxiety
is a common problem, it is triggered when you leave the house without your pet and in some instance like mine even seeing me get ready to leave the house she starts to become distressed, she drools, starts to breath faster and will not leave my side, or she gets right in front of me so I can’t move.
When you are away your dog may dig at the carpet, chew at the wall, bark or howl, defecate and urinate. In the case of a cat they may jump on furniture to purposefully knock stuff off, cat howl, scratch up walls, defecate and urinate in the corners of the house or on your bed. In extreme cases your pet may try to escape from the house which could result in injury and loss of your pet. This destructive behavior will usually star a few minutes after you leave and they left alone. Once you arrive home all is good but they act like you have been gone for weeks.
is another cause of anxiety in dogs and cats. The sad truth is that one study of dogs who had a phobia of thunderstorms showed over a 200% increase in stress hormones when exposed to audio recording of thunder storms. If your dog or cat has anxiety caused by thunderstorms they may also have problems with gun fire, fireworks, loud noises like a backfire. When this anxiety happens they may try to run away, crawl into a tight confined space like under the bed or coffee table, they might not leave your side, anywhere you go they follow. Other signs might be dilated pupils, panting, drooling, whining or barking and a rapid/racing heartbeat.
Visitors to the house
can most certainly cause anxiety in your dog or cat. Some pets will take a sever dislike to certain visitors for no reason you can figure out but most times it may be that they speak to loud, make abrupt movements or their clothing is intimidating like a trench coat or big hat, or maybe just the smell of perfume or cologne they wear. Never count out the way you might feel about someone your pet is very prescriptive they can feel what you feel and if you don’t like or fell comfortable around someone you can bet your pet will feel the same. If you can tell the persons actions or load voice is upsetting your pet ask your guest politely to take it down a notch because they are scaring your pet and after all it is your pets house and they should feel safe. If you see you pet is in distress, panting, drooling shaking, barking and you can’t figure out what the problem is try putting them in the other room that should help.
Always try behavior modification and relaxing techniques with your pet for anxiety issues. If it’s to much for you there are trainers that can help. Also try herbal supplements such as our Canine Calming & Feline Calming which is loaded with great natural ingredients such as thiamine, Chamomile, Valerian, Lemon Balm, GABA, Ginger, and Tryptophan this product works within the hour so giving it to your pet before going to work or at the first sound of thunder or before guest arrive at the house is a natural way to help calm the anxiety your pet feels. A combination of our herbal supplements and behavior modification will work great but the very last resort should be prescription medication from the vet you don’t want you favorite furry friend a pet zombie. Natural remedies will always be the best way to deal with Anxiety In Dogs And Cats.