Keeping Your Pet’s Safe & Calm During Fireworks
Pet parents know that Stress & Anxiety In Dogs & Cats caused by fireworks can be one of the most stressful and upsetting things for you and your pet to experience. To help your favorite furry four-legged friends stay calm this 4th of July, 4 Pets 4 You is offering 10% off their Canine & Feline Calming Liquid to help reduce anxiety and stress.
Go to for dogs or for cats and enter code calm10 for a 10% discount
With 4th of July celebrations approaching, we here at 4 Pets 4 You, want to highlight the dangers associated with the fear of fireworks and to help lower or maybe even alleviate your pets’ stress and anxiety.
Keeping Your Pet’s Safe & Calm During Fireworks may be difficult but it can be done.
Fireworks season can be a time of stress and anxiety for our pets because they don’t understanding the loud noises, which causes them to become scared, frantic, and very upset. They may get so upset that they even run away from home if they are not kept safely indoors. Animal Control see a 30% increase in lost pets around the 4th of July and the summer months when we are celebrating with fireworks, so it is very important to make your pet feel safe and secure during fireworks.
Here are some signs of stress to look for in your furry four-legged friends?
- Panting and/ or drooling
- Shaking or trembling
- Dilated pupils
- Ears pinned back
- Tail tucked under
- Whining, barking, howling or excessive meowing
- Restlessness or pacing
- Lack of appetite
- Excessive grooming
- Scratching at the door or window trying to get out
- Hiding under tables
- Not wanting you to be out of their sight
Here are a couple ways you can reduce your pet’s anxiety and fear during the firework season
- Keep your pet inside with all doors and windows closed
- Try not to leaving your pet alone when firework displays are going off outside
- Set up a bed or your bed with their favorite toys
- Take your dog on a long walk early in the day, for your cat play with them. If your pet is tired they will be more likely to sleep during the evening celebrations.
- Turn the TV or Radio on to create a distraction and overwhelm the noise outside
- Stay calm yourself, if your stressed your pet will feel it and become even more stressed.
Once you know your pet suffers from stress & anxiety from fireworks be sure to give them the Calming Liquid a couple hours before the fireworks are to begin and follow the steps above for a calm, restful, anxiety & stress free evening.
4 Pets 4 You want to wish everybody and their pets a SAFE & HAPPY 4 OF JULY