Antioxidants are chemical substances or nutrients (both natural and man-made) which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to you or your pets body. When the cells in the body use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals (by-products) which can cause damage. Antioxidants can give electrons to the unstable free-radicals so they don’t have to get electrons from nearby cells which can counteract the destructive power of free radicals. Antioxidants act as “free radical scavengers” that help prevent, protect and repair oxidative damage done by these free radicals which may cause health problems and diseases, such as heart disease, macular degeneration, diabetes, cancer. Antioxidants may also enhance immune system defense and therefore lower the risk of cancer and infection. Natural Antioxidants are found in minerals enzymes and nutrients found in fruits and vegetables. Taking a supplement such as Super Immune Complex which is loaded with some of the most important antioxidants can also accomplish this.
Some of the most common Antioxidants come from the foods below:
* Beta-Carotene – carrots, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes.
* Vitamin A – apricots, beef liver, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, cheddar cheese, collard, egg yolk, kale, peaches and tomatoes.
* Vitamin C – broccoli, green leafy vegetables, green peppers, limes, oranges, strawberries and tomatoes
* Vitamin E – green leafy vegetables, nuts, seed and whole grains.
* Selenium – chicken, eggs, fish, garlic, grains, red meat and shellfish.
Vitamin A
Also known as Retinol, which helps your eyes adjust to changes in light it also keeps your skin and mucous membranes hydrated. Your body can convert Beta-Carotene to Vitamin A. The antioxidant properties in Vitamin a neutralize free radicals that cause cellular damage.
Vitamin C
Is one of the safest and most effective antioxidants. The benefits of vitamin C include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling.
Vitamin E
Is a very important antioxidant that’s used to counteract free radicals and stabilize cell membranes. Vitamin E also helps promote healthy skin. It scours the body for free radicals that have the potential to damage skin cells, neutralizes these threats and helps provide damaged cells with the electrons required to complete any unstable cells. Skin cells need protection by these antioxidants.